When you are new to hair care or are trying to figure out your own hair you may not be so sure how to build your natural hair care regimen. Or perhaps you’ve been caring for your hair for some time now and have come to the conclusion that it’s time for a change in how you care for your hair. Whatever the case may be building a regimen doesn’t have to be challenging, all it needs are the basics tips: learning your hair, choosing appropriate products, and deciding on styling which will create your hair care regimen.
Learning and knowing your hair is a big part of being on a healthy hair journey! There are many ways you can learn what kind of hair you have. Personally, I think these test are fun and pretty interesting, especially when you learn the results. So why don’t you try them! There are hair tests to learn your hair: curl type (the amount of wave/curl in hair), hair texture (thickness/width of individual strands), density (number of individual strands close together on scalp), porosity (how hair strands retain moisture), and moisture and protein balance (balance in strength and retained moisture of hair). Once you find out what ‘kind of hair’ you have specifically, you will be able to know what products you will need to look for and create an effective hair care routine to continue on your healthy hair journey. Try these tests out!
Choosing the right products
Once you find out what ‘kind of hair’ you have, then you can move on to searching for products. Searching and trying out products and be fun, but also expensive. There is nothing wrong with being a product junkie, as long as you are a smart one. If there is a product that you will like to try and would go with what ‘kind of hair’ you have, check out the ratings and reviews to see what the community has to say about the product. Check out the ingredients on the product label to determine if the product would be a great buy or a ‘not this time.’
Don’t go into the hair aisle blind-sided, no matter how the product is advertised on the commercial. Go with what your hair needs and will help you on your healthy hair journey.
Decide on your styling options
Once you have learned your hair and have purchased the products that you need, figure out what kind of styles are for you. Are you a low manipulation gal or a protective style lady? Do you like to switch up your styles or do you like to leave your hair alone for a long duration. Knowing and planning your styles will help you to determine how to plan your hair care regimen. This will allow you to know exact what to do and not guess every time.
You finally know your hair, have your products, and know what styles are best for you. Now it is time to put your plan into action. Going on your healthy hair journey does not have to be difficult. Here are the main tips to focus on:
Detangling – before you do anything to your hair, make sure that all of the shed hair is out. You can do this to dry or damp hair, but make sure that your hair is fully detangled, or you will come across matted and tangled hair when cleansing. You should do this every time you choose to cleanse your hair.
Cleansing – whether you are a clarifier or a co washer, make sure you are gentle with your hair. Determine if you need to cleanse your hair daily because of exercise or sports. You may cleanse your hair once a month and that okay with you and your hair.
Conditioning – which is a best friend to all who want to keep their hair moisturized. Really, conditioning should be done on every wash day, but some are content with twice a week or even once a month.
Moisturizing and Sealing – which will allow your hair to remain healthy and supple. This also helps with knowing what styles you are planning for yourself and for your own ‘kind of hair.’ You may need to moisturize and seal weekly or many be so fortunate to do so monthly.
And there you have it! A simple way to determine how to care for your own hair. This will take some experimentation on what works best for you, but in time you will know exactly what your hair needs. If your hair is not cooperating, make sure to reevaluate your hair, the products, the styles, and your regimen to get all of the kinks out. Figure out ways to improve and stay consistent along your healthy hair journey. Once you find your groove and bop your head when you do your hair, you know that you are good to go!
[by Christina ]